Saturday, March 29, 2014

I love Hall Duty!

Yes, you read that right!  I love hall duty!  Just like the kids, I look forward to that interaction in the hallway with my peers.  School is a community and I believe hall duty was the original professional learning community.  Those few minutes before school or between classes are perfect for sharing.  Standing in the hall with my colleagues are where I hear genius ideas on lessons, classroom management or even a heads-up about a particular student who might be having a bad day.
The key is to have positive people on your hall.  I love my hall mates because as soon as classes change we end up in the hall sharing funny things the students said or even how lessons fell apart.  We laugh and learn together - just like I hope my students do!

I am Noelle Van Der Meid and I teach 6th grade Language Arts and sometimes Social Studies in North Carolina. I am passionate about curriculum, instruction and technology integration.  I've come to blogging later than many of my fellow techy teachers because I always thought I was too busy preparing lessons, researching methods and finding new ideas to use with my students.  Until I realized that maybe a blog would be the ultimate hall duty where we can share classroom success and failures, ask for advice and reflect on the craft.  Feel free to post a topic or question - we can laugh and learn together!