Saturday, September 20, 2014

Google Classroom is my BFF!


I've been using Google Classroom almost daily for a month now.  I can not express how easy it has made my teaching life.  Giving assignments, posting links, grading and returning papers have all become easier.  I am much more efficient and that allows me more time for planning or providing good feedback.  

Most importantly, I've seen how it has empowered my students.  All their assignments are posted right to their screen, all the resources they need to be successful are easily retrieved from Google Classroom or from the email Google Classroom sends.   I've had students miss several days and they can go in read over everything we did and come to me with specific questions rather than just walking up to me saying, "Did I miss anything last week?".  
Students still come to me asking, "What do I do?" and I can honestly tell them that all the information is in Google Classroom and they should go back and read it again and then come back with specific questions.  They rarely come back but when they do it's because they don't understand the content not because they don't know the directions.  

Google Classroom isn't only for 1:1 classrooms. It's great for any teacher who integrates technology regularly enough for students use it enough to become familar with it.  

If you haven't tried it - do it for your next tech lesson or unit.